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About Us

Chaddy Mission School

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Chaddy Mission Kenya, a UK charity established in 2017 and operated by 5 volunteers, is dedicated to supporting Chaddy Mission School founded in 2011 by Geoffrey Mbugua. This school offers free education, meals, and uniforms to vulnerable children in the Mwariki slums of Nakuru. The charity's holistic approach encompasses various aspects including teachers' wages, educational resources, infrastructure enhancement, community counseling, and job opportunities for parents, all aimed at fostering a brighter future for the children and the Mwariki community at large. Through collaborative efforts, Chaddy Mission Kenya is making a significant impact on the lives of those it serves.

Our Growth
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Chaddy Mission School's growth is evident as it expanded from 90 to nearly 300 students, offering free education to underprivileged children unable to afford government schools. The school ensures students' nourishment with breakfast and lunch. Originally on a 2-acre rented space, the school had to move due to circumstances, now occupying a quarter-acre area. The priority is providing fair wages to dedicated teachers. With a goal of self-sufficiency, the school ventures into rental and uniform businesses, employing parents to uplift the community. Yet, full self-reliance remains a challenge. The vision encompasses self-sustainability, improved facilities, and a more suitable location for the school's long-term success.

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Chaddy Mission School's origin story traces back to its inception in January 2011 as the Hadassah Orphan school, initially established as a feeding program for impoverished families. As time progressed, the desire for education among the fed children led to the establishment of Chaddy Mission School. Officially registered in September 2017, Chaddy Mission (Kenya) operates in collaboration with a UK-based charity formed by devoted long-term supporters and volunteers. The primary objective is to provide consistent financial backing to the school, enabling it to continue its vital work within the Mwariki community and work towards a more promising future.

Notably, Chaddy Mission School extends its reach beyond education, engaging in holistic community support. In addition to offering education, the school actively supports families by providing guidance and counseling, particularly regarding nutrition and health. It plays a pivotal role in addressing the challenges posed by HIV and AIDS, prevalent among both children and parents. By facilitating access to Anti-Retro Viral (ARV) drugs and creating a referral system, the school contributes significantly to health improvement and destigmatization efforts. This cooperative endeavor between Chaddy Mission School and the associated charity exemplifies a multi-faceted approach to uplift the Mwariki community by offering education, health services, and holistic support.

To inspire a new generation from this community, through encouraging them and providing a holistic environment form them to achieve their dreams.


To help these children get quality education while teaching them family and spiritual values of honesty, integrity as tools to fight poverty and corruption. Our Mission is to inspire a new generation from this community, through encouraging them and providing a holistic environment form them to achieve their dreams.

Chaddy Mission School
Chaddy Mission School
Chaddy Mission School
Chaddy Mission School
Chaddy Mission School
Chaddy Mission School
Our Director

Mr Geoffrey Mbugua

In the midst of the slums of Mwariki where children are in need of a more suitable and productive way of living, Pastor Geoffrey Mbugua in goodwill, initiated Chaddy Mission school as a way of improving the lifestyle of the children in Mwariki. This is by providing free education and daily meal to the disadvantaged children of the area which in turn gives them hope and a chance of a better future.

Our Team

Chaddy Mission School Staff

At Chaddy Mission School, we are immensely proud of our dedicated and passionate staff and team who tirelessly commit themselves to fostering a love for learning among our students. Their unwavering efforts, compassion, and expertise create an exceptional educational environment where children thrive and grow. Each day, they go above and beyond to ensure that our students receive the best education possible. We believe that investing in the people who shape our future is of utmost importance. To continue supporting our remarkable staff, we kindly ask for your generous donations that will contribute to their salaries and well-deserved recognition. Your contribution will not only honor their hard work but also play a pivotal role in the education and development of countless young minds. Join us in this mission to empower our educators and inspire a generation of learners.

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Qualified Teachers

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Years of Experience

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Students Enrolled

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Groups of Students

Chaddy Mission School
Chaddy Mission School
Chaddy Mission School
Chaddy Mission School
Chaddy Mission School